Archive for April 2014
WI'MWUI #50: Let's celebrate!
I did it! I have officially reached 50 outfits on the pink blog. Hurrah, confetti! Ok, confetti is quite messy so how about a huge collage combining all 50 outfits for recuerdo? I promise I won't try and do the same for 100 or you'll need a bigger screen.
Hope you enjoy them and pleaseeee let me know which one is your fave. And keep coming back for more of course.
M x
Straight hair of my dreams
So if you met me about 5 years ago, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, well let's say my hair wasn't quite as straight as it is now... I don't usually do this but because when I tell this story no one believes me, here is a photo taken in 2008 -
Yep, I know what you're thinking. And yes, I
didn't know hair happiness back then. It's a family thing you see, my Mum
wasn't happy enough with her hair like that and she had to transfer that to us.
And my sister decided to do the same thing and (un)blessed my cute niece with the
same destiny. But because I’m the best Auntie there is, I've already promised
to pay for a lifetime of hair treatments when she comes to age – like, in 2
years if it depends on me.
What is this then? The Brazilian Hair
Straightening (Escova Progressiva) came to life (in Portugal) about 5 years ago
and changed our lives. Before, we had hours of hair dryer & rolling brush or
hours of straighteners that didn't do the job. Now, we have a couple of hours
in the hair dresser every 6 months and not much more. Some people are a bit skeptical because this is a product that contains quite a lot of chemicals, including formaldehyde
(formol) that is not a good one. Although, this is also composed of keratin
(keratina), which completely hydrates your hair and makes it look A-MAZING.
I’ve been doing it for about 5 years and no
problems so far – totally in love! I started doing it at Illusion (LX
Factory, Lisbon) and am now doing it at Junior Rodriguez and very happy with the results. The prices vary between 70 - 100 Euros, depending on the hair length. Unfortunately, I cannot advise a place in London as I don't know any just yet but I know they are a bit more expensive (what a surprise!).
[With Junior, back in the summer}
Want to know more?! Pop into here if you're a Portuguesey or here if you're not. Thinking about doing something similar? Let me know if you have any questions and I'll be happy to help - theportuguesepinkpie@gmail.com
WI'MWUI #49: Yellow Nature
Portugal is already known for having lovely landscapes and beautiful places. But the best thing about going to Portugal on holidays is... The amount of different places I have to choose as a background for my outfit pictures. Fine, that and see the crazy family of course. Not even on Easter Sunday I gave my non-volunteered photographers a break. After a massive family lunch, once the bit of rain decided to stop, sprinted outside to take a couple. Or a bit more than a couple. Non-related, want to laugh a bit? I had this yellow jumper on my laundry basket for months - it's not my fault I don't have many yellow things to wash this with, is it?! But here it is, bright & shiny, calling for Spring!
O nosso Portugalito ja é conhecido por ter aquelas mega paisagens e sítios lindos. Mas a melhor coisa de ir a Portugal de férias é... Os quinhentos sítios diferentes que tenho para escolher como background dos meus outfits. Vá, isso e ver a minha família de loucos claro. Nem no Domingo de Páscoa dei descanso aos meus fotógrafos de serviço. Depois do almocinho de família, mal os chuviscos decidiram parar, voei lá para fora para tirar umas quantas. Ou um bocadinho mais do que umas quantas. Um aparte, querem rir-se um bocado? Tinha esta camisola amarela no meu cesto de roupa suja durante meses - uma pessoa não tem assim tantas coisas amarelas para lavar, não é?! Mas pronto, aqui está ela, linda e brilhante, a chamar a Primaverinha!
Jumper: Zara | Denim Shirt: Pull&Bear | Skirt: Urban Outfitters | Slip Ons: Topshop | Bag: Urban Outfitters | Sunglasses: Thierry Lasry
WI'MWUI #48: City blue wind
I'm here! I'm alive! I disconnected from the world (ok, just the blogging world as you should really follow me on Instagram and see my daily photo updates!) while I was stuffing myself with food & Easter eggs but I'm back now. With 3 extra kg, but back. To see the positive side of things, I actual have a considerable big queue of outfits now, waiting to be published and shown to the world. Hope you enjoy this blue&white one, with such windy hair I thought I was in an actual photo shoot for a minute. Maybe just a couple of seconds but still.
Estou aqui! Estou viva! Desliguei do mundo (ok, só do mundo de blog porque ninguém me tira o meu Instagram e shame on you se não seguirem os meus instaposts todos os dias!) enquanto me estava a empanturrar com comida e ovos de Páscoa mas estou de volta. Com mais 3 kg em cima, mas estou de volta. Se virmos o lado positivo da coisa, voltei carregadinha de outfits para vocês, tenho uma fila deles aqui à espera de ser publicados e mostrados ao mundo. Espero que gostem deste branco e azulinho, com uns cabelos tão ao vento que por momentos achei que estava numa sessão fotográfica à séria. Vá, não exageremos mas foi um bom momento.
Leather Jacket: Vintage @ Portobello Market | Shirt: Topshop | Waistcoat: GAP | Printed Trousers: H&M | Slip Ons: Topshop | Long Necklace: Topshop | Short Necklace: Forever 21 | Earrings: H&M | Handbag: Hermes
In love with... #11: The white shoes
MISS JULIA @ Eureka Shoes
WI'MWUI #47: Happy Easter!
Sorry for my absence little pies. Crazy busy at work, 4 day week and quite a few plans for such a short period of time! And now I need to quickly pack to Portugal so just popped over to send you a kiss and leave a cute outfit. Loving this petite from Topshop - the stripes never let us down. Have a great Easter break, eat sh*tloads of eggs & bunnies and we'll kick off a mini diet next week together. X
Desculpem a minha ausência little pies. Semana de loucos no trabalho, fazer tudo em 4 dias e planos a mais para um tão curto espaço de tempo! E agora vou assim a correr fazer a mala para o fim-de-semana em Portugal por isso vim só aqui mandar um kiss e deixar-vos um outfit queridinho para se entreterem. Estou a adorar este petite da Topshop - realmente não há como errar nas riscas. Uma óptima Páscoa para todos, comam ovos e coelhinhos com fartura e cá estaremos para a semana para começar uma mini dieta todos juntos. X
Stripy Top: Topshop Petite | Shorts: ASOS | Pumps: Topshop | Handbag: Hermes | Watch: Swatch
WI'MWUI #46: Denim x Stripes
The spring almost came on time. But not really, we were presented with what? 2 days of sun and 19 degrees, thinking we could start dumping the big coats on the chest but then it was all over as quick as it came. But fear not my pies, I'm confident we're going to have an acceptable summer in London. Ok, I'm not really but let's hope, yes? In the meantime, let's look at some spring looks so the time goes faster...
A Primavera quase que chegou a horas. Mas foi só quase. Tivemos o quê? 2 diazinhos de sol com 19 graus, já a achar que podíamos mandar os casacos para o alçapão mas foi literalmente sol de pouca dura. Mas não se preocupem minhas pies, juro que estou confiante que este ano vamos ter um Verão aceitável em Londres. Ok, não estou assim tão confiante mas mais vale ter fé, não é? Nos entretantos, contentamo-nos com um passar de olhos nuns looks de Primavera para ajudar a passar o tempo...
Denim Shirt: Pull&Bear | Trousers: Topshop | Slip Ons: Topshop | Denim Jacket: Zara | Handbag: Zara | Long Necklace: Topshop | OMG Necklace: Forever 21 | Bracelet & Rings: H&M | Watch: Swatch | Sunglasses: Thierry Lasry
A day with a twin.
My high school lovely came to visit a (little...) while ago for the first time since I moved to London. Unacceptable, I know. As most of my visits, she was staying for a long weekend which means I had to fit all the 345 things I wanted to show her in a couple of days. As I was working on Friday (and have seen the Big Ben and the London Eye about 1200 times), told her to do the touristic bits by giving her a little plan to follow - not nearly as good as my friends Joana's itineraries, of course, but still OK ish. The poor thing had bad luck and had to face the coldest & rainiest day we had in ages so by the time she met me on Friday all she wanted (and me, tired as I was!) was a quiet dinner & a catch up.
The next day, we got up early & full of strength and were presented with some sun - what a delight.
And what's the best way of starting a Saturday in London? Yep, bruuuunch.
I went for the scrambled eggs & chorizo on toast - my fav. And I convinced Inês to try the typical Eggs Benedict, a must if you've never had before.
After brunch, we headed to my fav place to take people on a Saturday - Portobello Market. I mentioned before here that this was a very expensive day. Below you can see why.
Portobello never disappoints. The sun was out, the market was as lively as ever and we had a great time popping in every little shop to check it out. Sadly, we were still ridiculously full and weren't able to try the market food. But managed to spend our money somewhere else...
[Inês fell in love with this skirt, obvs.]
And because we weren't satisfied (or I wasn't satisfied!), we took the bus to Oxford Street to check out Forever 21, Topshop, Disney and M&M store. Can never give these 4 a miss, even the last one, that I think I would know my way in there blindfolded - disgraceful!
Once at home, after a heavy journey full of shopping bags, we got ready to meet the Beef and his friend Gibb. We followed them to a very busy Adventure Bar on Battersea Rise and... There are not many photos beyond that.
We should have days like this every so often to make us appreciate the city we live in! Miss you already joly <3
Theme edited by Penge the Beef, originally by Matthew Buchanan